Copyright Statement and Disclaimer
Disclaimer information for users of St John WA websites.
First Aid protocols and information by St John WA is for the Australian market only. The information is not a substitute for first aid training. All care has been taken by St John WA with the preparation of this information but the organisation takes no responsibility for its use by other parties or individuals
St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd (St John WA) owns the copyright or has a licence in the written and graphical content (Content) on this website and within the sub-directories of this website (including without limitation,,, unless expressly stated otherwise.
Any reproduction of Content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of St John WA. Request for permission to use Content should be sent to
Reproduction of small portion of the Content for personal purposes is permitted, provided the material is not changed and the source of the reproduced content is acknowledged as St John WA.
St John WA logos or marks must not be reproduced or used for any purpose without prior written permission of St John WA.
St John WA strives to keep the Content on this website accurate and up to date but makes no warranty or representation, and assumes no liability or responsibility, for the accuracy, completeness or currency of the Content. Any mistakes that are brought to our attention will be corrected as soon as possible.
First Aid protocols, information sheets, free courses and other resources provided on the website are for information purposes within the Australian market only. These are not a substitute for first aid or other professional training. St John WA accepts no responsibility or liability in connection with the use of, or reliance on, resources provided on this website.
External web-links are provided as a service to users, but do not imply endorsement of the external site or its content by St John WA, and St John WA accepts no legal responsibility or liability for the content of external sites.
St John WA reserves the right to make changes to any Content or features on its digital channels at any time without notice.