Pensioner / Over 65

WA residents over the age of 65 and those who hold a valid Pension Concession Entitlement are entitled to State subsidised ambulance services when the service is medically necessary.

The subsidy is as follows:

  • WA residents over 65 holding a valid Pension Concession Entitlement are fully subsidised and there is no charge to the patient.
  • WA residents over 65 who do not hold a valid Pension Concession Entitlement are partially subsidised, the patient will pay 50 per cent of the fee.
  • WA residents under 65 who hold valid Pension Concession Entitlement are partially subsidised, the patient will pay 50 per cent of the fee.

Subsidies may differ for booked patient transport in metropolitan Perth. Check the Patient Transfer Service FAQs to check eligibility.

If you are not over 65, and want to be covered, ambulance cover is available from private health insurers including ambulance-only cover.

People who reside in regional or remote Western Australia may be eligible to join a Country Ambulance Benefit Fund, which may cover the cost of your ambulance services.

More information can be obtained by speaking with our Finance Customer Team by calling (08) 9334 1212.

For information about ambulance concessions, visit the Concessions WA website.

Not responsible?

Do your circumstances mean you're not responsible for paying your ambulance bill?

Need some help?

Our Finance Customer Service Team are ready to help. Get in touch now:

Call us on (08) 9334 1212.

Or email