How to perform first aid for a dislocation
A dislocation occurs when one or more bones are displaced at a joint, this is most often at the shoulders, elbow, kneecap or fingers.
What to do
- Follow DRSABCD St John WA Action Plan
- Assist the casualty to sit or lie down in a comfortable position and reassure.
- DO NOT attempt to put back into position.
- If the injury is to a limb:
+ Check blood flow – if absent move limb gently to try and restore it.
+ Call Triple Zero (000) for an ambulance.
+ Apply icepacks if possible, directly over the joint.
+ Rest and support the limb with padding and bandages. - Shoulder:
+ Support the casualties arm in position of least discomfort. - Wrist:
+ Apply a sling in a position of comfort.
Caused by
- A sudden impact on the joint.
- Forceful muscle contraction.
Signs and symptoms
- Pain at or near the site of injury.
- Difficult or impossible to move the joint.
- Loss of power.
- Deformity or abnormal movement.
- Tenderness.
- Swelling.
- Discolouration and bruising.