WA Curriculum link

Our youth and community program at St John WA offers an engaging educational experience for students. Aligned with the WA curriculum, our program seamlessly integrates into your school's schedule. It equips young learners with vital first aid skills while promoting safety and well-being. Empower your students to be proactive in emergency situations and contribute to a safer community.

Learning AreaStrandSub-strandThread

Health and

Physical Education

Personal, social and

community health

  • Contributing to health and
    active communities
  • Being healthy, safe and active
  • Communicating and interacting for
    health and wellbeing
  • Help-seeking
  • Minimising and managing conflict
  • Making healthy and safe choices
  • Interacting with others
  • Health literacy
  • Understanding emotions
  • Community health promotion
Humanities and
Social Sciences 
Geography: Knowledge
and Understanding
  • People live in places
  • People are connected to many

Represent information

  • The representation of familiar
    places, such as schools, parks
    and lakes on a pictorial map

Appropriate subject-specific terminology


  •  The location of the major geographical divisions of the world (e.g. continents, oceans) in relation to Australia
  • Local features and places are given names, which have meaning to people, and these places can be defined on a variety of scales, including personal (e.g. home), local (.e.g. street, suburb or town), regional (e.g. state) and national (e.g. country)

Humanities and Social Sciences Skills
  • Questioning and research
  • Analysing
  • Evaluating
  • Communicating and reflecting
  • Develop, select and evaluate information 
  • Identify, gather and sort information
  • Critically analyse information
  • Recognise and consider perspectives
  • Use strategies to mediate differences
EnglishLiteracy language
  • Interacting with others
  • Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
  • Expressing and developing ideas
  • Language for interaction
  • Expressing and developing ideas
  • Sound and letter knowledge

Listening and speaking interactions

  • The purposes and contexts through which students engage in listening and speaking interactions
  • The skills students use when engaging in listening and speaking interactions

Language variation and change

  • How English varies according to context and information social interactions is influenced by the purpose and audience

Language for social interactions

  • How language used for different formal and informal social interactions is influenced by the purpose and audience

Visual language

  • How images work in texts to communicate meanings, especially in conjunction with other elements such as print and sound


  • The meanings of words, including everyday and specialist meanings, and how words take their meanings from context of the text


  • Knowledge for spelling, including knowledge about how the sounds of words are represented by various letters and knowledge of irregular spellings and spelling rules

Phonemic awareness (sound of language)

  • Basic knowledge of sounds of language and how these are combined in spoken words

Comprehension strategies

  • Strategies of constructing meaning from texts, including literal and inferential meaning


Need more help?

If you have any questions about your upcoming booking, need help or have an issue, contact our Youth and Community team.

Email: youthandcommunity@stjohnwa.com.au or

Call: 08 9334 1259