Youth and Community Engagement 

We provide free first aid education to over 150,000 school students across WA each year.

The St John WA Youth and Community Engagement program aims to make first aid a part of everyone's life by delivering a range of free learning opportunities for students in WA. Our program has been designed to provide students with engaging and practical skills that are directly mapped to the school curriculum. 



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Primary School Programs

We offer a range of age-appropriate first aid classes for students in kindergarten up to year 6.

Learn more


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High School Programs

A range of practical and engaging first aid classes suitable for students from year 7 to 10.

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Assembly Presentation

Assembly Presentation

15-minute assembly presentation for students kindergarten to year 12

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Ambulance Tour

Ambulance Tour

30-minute free ambulance tours for students from kindergarten to year 10

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Road accident

Road Trauma

50-minute practical demonstration for year 10 to year 12 students

Learn more

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First Aid Focus student saves life!

Considering running a first aid program at your class or school? Eight-year-old Tia Cummins was taught life-saving skills through the free St John WA First Aid Focus program, preparing her to help her sister suffering with a seizure.


First aid should be part of everyone's life no matter their age. There's never a better time to learn how to help someone in need. That's why we have created a range of free resources, that you can download to teach your students about first aid. 


Thinking about booking one of our programs or sessions for your class or school? We've mapped our programs to align with the Western Australian Curriculum.




Introducing the St John Academy!

The St John Academy is an exciting program for young people aged 12 to 17. It's a place where your students can meet new friends, develop leadership skills, and build first aid knowledge in a fun and supportive environment.

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Need more help?

If you have any questions about your upcoming booking, need help or have an issue, contact our Youth and Community team.

Email: or

Call: 08 9334 1259